The Book Keeper
Book Store
The Book Keeper has been Sarnia Lambton's finest independent bookstore for over 200 million years! Dinosaurs from all over southwestern Ontario gathered here to share their favourite stories. Tyrannosaurus Rex just loved to devour a good bodice-ripper while the Brontosaurus preferred to sink his teeth into the latest vegetarian cookbook. Most of their book club meetings resulted in thunderous debates and riotous fun. But, as things changed and the dinosaurs moved on, it was time for the bookstore to do the same. Today, The Book Keeper is an all-purpose independent bookstore offering a wonderful eclectic selection of books, greeting cards, and great gift ideas to those in the Sarnia-Lambton area. A gathering place for avid readers, writers and hobbyists of all ages, incomes and educational levels, our customers visit the store because our staff is extremely knowledgeable and responsive to their needs and we offer a level of service that our competition cannot match. Come in and browse! With over 14,000 titles in stock, a fantastic special-order service and a rewards program that earns you points on all your purchases, you're sure to freak out in book happiness!!
Additional Info
Business Hours : Monday 9:30-5:30
Tuesday 9:30-5:30
Wednesday 9:30-5:30
Thursday 9:30-9 p.m.
Friday 9:30-9 p.m.
Saturday 9:30-5:30
Sunday 12-5