United Way Of Sarnia Lambton
Associations & Organizations
The United Way of Sarnia-Lambton is one of 126 member United Ways of United Way/Centraide Canada, and is one of 46 United Ways in Ontario and a member of the United Way of the Ontario Southwest Region.
All United Ways in Canada are autonomous from one another, meaning all decisions are made locally, in Sarnia-Lambton by local volunteers. These decisions include what agencies are Funded; how much money each agency receives; as well as all policy and procedure decisions. In addition, all funds raised in our community stay in our community to provide programs and services in our community.
The United Way of Sarnia-Lambton is a registered charity with Revenue Canada and its registration number appears on all pledge cards and receipts. It abides by federal and provincial rules and guidelines. Our administration and campaign costs this year are budgeted at less than 12% of Campaign!
The United Way funds over 65 programs and services provided by 28 member agencies.